Almarah foundation has vision that every person deserve dignity, love and equal opportunities and In order for the entire world to really become equal, it needs to start with education. Underprivileged children often have no access to quality education and to curb this, Almarah Foundation is setting up a well-equipped school in Lahore. This school will have a lot to offer, a group of trained teachers, a well-programmed curriculum, several playful learning activities, and a beautiful positive environment. We are going to create a strong infrastructure and learning programs with playful activities. We understand the needs of our little ones and, our huge effort will help them to shine like a star.



Underprivileged children often face significant barriers to receiving a quality education. These barriers can include lack of access to resources such as books and technology, inadequate facilities and infrastructure, and a lack of qualified teachers. In addition, many underprivileged children come from families that are struggling financially and may not be able to afford the cost of education or may not have the time to provide the support and encouragement their children need to succeed in school.

Your humble support will turn around the lives of these children for better. Your donation would light up their eyes and their lives.